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Official Seat

Strasbourg: The European Parliament's Home

Official Seat

Strasbourg holds the distinctive honor of being the official seat of the European Parliament, a vital institution within the European Union.

Plenary Sessions

Strasbourg and Brussels

The European Parliament is comprised of 705 members who gather for plenary sessions in both Strasbourg and Brussels. Strasbourg hosts these sessions during specific weeks, while Brussels serves as the primary location.

Open to Visitors

The European Parliament in Strasbourg welcomes visitors six days a week, granting them the opportunity to explore the institution and learn about its operations. Moreover, admission is entirely free of charge.

Digital Engagement

Stay abreast of the activities of the European Parliament online. Access the latest news, witness meetings live, and connect with members of the Parliament (MEPs) through digital platforms.

Brussels Office

Brussels is home to a second European Parliament office, which caters specifically to group and individual visitors. It provides a welcoming environment for those wishing to delve deeper into the European Union and its governing body.
